Monday, July 18, 2011

Exercise tape recommendations for teens?

Hi, I'm a 15 year old girl and I decided since it's summer I should get in a little better shape. I've always been a healthy eater, though I am a vegetarian so I've made sure to start eating more protein which is helping, but I'm kind of at a loss as far as exercising goes. I'm not overweight or unhealthy, but I'd like a tape with cardio and something to help me tone my arms and legs, as well as flatten my stomach. I was wondering if you all had any recommendations forr tapes that would be good for a beginner, like me. I'm not very flexible, and I'm not in amazing shape but I'm not in terrible shape either. I have a good amount of muscle on my arms, although I'm still terrible at push ups, and my legs and thighs aren't very strong at all. So I guess something that will give me results but isn't far too challenging, at least at not in the beginning. Any suggestions? Thanks so much in advance!

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