Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Orthofill and Teeth Gap? *tenpoints!*?

Okay so for a little while, I've been researching ways to close my gap. I know. Your first reaction:GET BRACES! The problem is that my family cannot afford them, and our insurance doesn't cover them. I'm extremely insecure about my gap(right in the front of my mouth). I am constantly getting made fun of, especially since all of my friends have braces and are getting their teeth fixed. But no, not me, I'm stuck with this gap. The rest of my teeth are straight so the gap is th only issue. So in my research, I've found Orthofill and Teeth Gap. They are rubber bands that close your gap. Another thing I've heard is that these things aren't permanent, because of that little sliver of skin in between those two front teeth. Is this true? if so, what could I do to remove that? do I just go to my dentist and tell him what i'm doing, and ask to remove it? is that possible? please help! thank you!

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